Home and Learn: Android Course

Lesson Updated July 2023

Android Buttons

In the previous lesson, you added a Linear Layout to your design surface. We'll now add two buttons to this layout.

Go back to the palette. Locate the Buttons category. Click on this and you'll see a Button item. Drag two of these onto your LinearLayout in the Component Tree:

Using the Component Tree to add widgets

Here's what the Blueprint will look like, after you've added the buttons:

Two buttons added to a linear layout in Android Studio.

And here's what your Component Tree looks like after you've added the buttons:

Two buttons added to the Component Tree in Android Studio.

Notice that we have the yellow warning triangle again. The warning is because of the hardcoded text issue again. In your strings.xml file, set up two strings, just like you did in a previous lesson. As the text for the strings, add London Bridge and Tower Bridge. For the name attributes, set them as button_london and button_tower. Here's what your strings.xml file should look like:

A strings.xml file in Android Studio.

In the Component Tree, select the first button. In the properties area on the right, scroll down and locate the text property. Click the little button to the right of text:

Pick a Resource button in Android Studio.

From the Pick a Resource dialog box that appears, select you button_london item. Repeat the process for your second button, this time selecting the button_tower item as the string resource.

In Blueprint mode, notice that the buttons are regtangular. However, switch to Design mode and you'll see that they are actually round. They may even be purple:

Default Android Buttons.

There are lots of button styles built in to Android. Let's select a different style.

In the Attributes panel on the right of Android Studio, scroll down and locate the style attribute:

Attributes area with the style item highlighted.

The default button style is Widget Material3. Click the dropdown to reveal more styles. Scroll down and select the Android Widget Button one:

Changing the default button style in Android Studio.

The button will change shape:

A new style applied to a button in Android Studio.

Notice, however, that although we now have a rectangular button, it's still purple! Let's change that.


Changing Widget Colors in Android

The reason the button is purple is because that is the default color theme for all widgets. You can override the default colors for widgets like button, though. It's a bit fiddly, as we'll have to add a value to the colors.xml file.

In the Project Files area on the left of Android Studio, expand the res > values folder:

The colors.xml file in Android.

Double click the colors.xml file to open it up. Add a new color name. Add this:

<color name="grey">#DEDEDE</color>

The colors.xml file should then look like this:

xml code showing a new color value added to the colors.ml file in Android.

The name of the color is grey. This is a name we chose. You can call your colors anything you like. The value for the color goes between the color tags and is #DEDEDE. This is a hexadecimal color value. If you want to go with something else, search on line for a color picker. Copy and paste a new hexadecimal value in place of the grey one we've chosen (you can have lower or uppercase character hexadecimal value ).

To apply the color to your button, go back to the activity_main.xml file. In the attributes are on the right of Android Studio, locate the backgroundTint attribute:

The backgroundTint attribute highlighted in Android Studio.

Click the little white button to the right of the backgroundTint text area. This wil bring up a dialog box where you can select a color:

Pick a Resource dialog box in Android Studio.

Notice that the grey color we just added is on the list. Select that one and click OK.

When you click OK, you may very well find that your button is still purple! To solve the problem, we have to do a bit of XML hacking again.

Click the Code icon in the top right of Android Studio, just above the Attributes panel:

The Code option button inAndroid Studio.

Locate this line:


Change it to this:


So just the one small change, from android to app. This is enough to override the android default theme. But you XML code should look like this:

XML code in Android for a button.

Click back into Design view rather than Code view. Your button should have changed color:

Color change for a button in Android Studio.

Repeat the whole process for the second button and you'll have this:

Android square buttons with a color change.

Almost done, now.

You can change the background colour of the ConstraintLayout to something other than white.

Make sure you are in Design View rather than Blueprint View. In the Component Tree, click on the ConstraintLayout item to select it:

The ConstraintLayout item showing in the Component Tree

Now look at the properties area on the right. Expand the All Attributes item:

Atrributes items in Android Studio

You'll then see a fuller list of properties. Locate the background property and click just to the right of the word background, where the white box is in the image below:

he Background property of an Android Layout

Click on the white square to bring up a dialogue box. Select the Color tab at the top:

The Color tab of the Pick a Resource dialogue box in Android Studio.

You'll see the colors from the colors.xml file, along with the grey one we set up. We could have set up another color for the app background. But scroll down and select one that takes your fancy. In the image above, we've gone for holo_blue_dark.

Try it out now. Run your app and see what it looks like. You should see something like this:

An Android layout in portrait view


Rotate your device and you'll see that the buttons in the layout expand to fill the space:

An Android layout in landscape view

If your buttons don't look right, if they are too far up the screen, stop your app from running. In Design view, click the Linear Layout item in the Component Tree. In the Attributes panel on the right, makes sure the layout_width and layout_height are both set to 0dp. If not, change then via the dropdown list:

Layout options in Android Studio.

Run your app again and the buttons should be fine.


However, if you're using a real device, your app will probably crash on rotation. You'll see why, and how to fix it, later in the course, when we move on to Activities.

In the next lesson, you'll learn about the XML file. You'll also learn how to add XML strings. You can skip this page, if you want, as we've already went over a lot of it. But it's nice to have it all in one place!

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